Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eye Chart

OH MY GOODNESS!!!  There is a website for EVERYTHING now!  Check this one out!  I love it!  You can create your own eye chart... type your phrase in and it creates an eye chart from it!

Now all that's left is making something from it!  Hummmm???


  1. 2012/06/15

    Thanks so much for posting this Eye Chart.

    The message couldn't be truer and it's a great application.

    Thanks, Dov

  2. I love your new eye chart...especially the message !!!! I always love to see you pop up in my mail. TFS. You have a great ministry going. May God bless all that you do!

  3. hi Leigh! THANKS! I hope you also get emails from my other blog: I'm a little more "in your face" over there. This one I decided to be more subtle but over there all bets are off! :-)


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