Saturday, April 30, 2011


Let me say that again... I really have GOT to get a life!!

Ya know, ya just try reading a few blogs when you get up early in the morning and you discover the craziest junk!  Today's find is  Here is an example of something it will do... You type in the text and it automatically generates one of these!  When you get really bored try and figure out what it says....It makes my brain hurt just looking at it!

There are several things you can do at the give it some text and it will create a spiral of it:

OK!  And that's all I'm gonna say about this one, you can check it out for yourself to see all that you can do.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Now That I Have Bought from Lettering Delights, HOW DO I USE IT?!

I have had several questions about how to use files purchased from Lettering Delights and I TOTALLY understand the confusion!  They have made it SO SIMPLE to use that it is CONFUSING!

First, LD sells several different kinds of products.  There are two that act like fonts... one is "Fonts" and the other is "Doodlebats". Both of those are True Type Fonts so they act just like any other font on your PC... once they are installed you can use them in ANY package, just select from the Pulldown Menu.  THOSE are the only two that I download after purchase!

When you buy a lot of things at once like I do, the download screen  that you see after the purchase can be a bit overwhelming.   Each set has several ways to download.  DON'T!  ONLY download the fonts and doodlebats.  ... The easiest way is to download the installer.  As soon as it finishes downloading it automatically loads the .ttf file in the correct folder to be used in any software package.

Now, for the other "graphic" type files...just leave them on LD website, you always have access to them and you only have to save files on your PC as you need them.

When you go to the website sign in under your username and password, then you can click on "Click here to go to My Library" at the top of the screen.

The resulting screen should look something like this.  You can view everything you have purchased from this screen.  

I have shown it after I did a search on the word "arrow" with the filter "My Library".  That will find everything I have purchased that has an arrow in it, in this case there are two sets that have arrows. (you may not see them in the list, you have to click on that set to see everything within the set)  If you don't choose "my library" it will show you everything they have that has an arrow.  (I did that first and all it did was make me want to buy more!!!...but the sale if off :-(

Now, to the right of every set is a "Try Me Now" Button.  THAT is the MAGIC BUTTON!  Click on that.

Here I have selected the arrow that I want and clicked on the "Save" button.  That will save a .png file of JUST THAT ONE SELECTED ITEM onto my PC (watch where it saves it on yours!) that can now be used like any other graphic on your PC.... you can see it on several of the pictures I have loaded here.   I love that it is a .png file because there won't be any white around it.  However, not all LD graphics are .png files some are .jpg... the older ones, so you have to deal with the white box or delete it using a package like PS Elements.

Here is what an "Alphabet" would look like... (each letter is actually a graphic ... Alphabets are NOT fonts! even though most are letters, they are pictures of letters ...confusing.... I know) ... You just have to type your line of text and save that:

And this is how it would look pulled into Blogger...


9 Free Fonts

That's it!  If you still have questions about using the graphic files just ask!  I can answer SOME questions.  :-)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

More Toys


LCD Text Generator at

Have you figured out yet that my job here it so surf the web and find free widgets and other time wasting stuff? I like to use it so that I can find it later when I really might want it. This one comes with its own link so just use that if you ever have something you want to scroll across your screen.

OU! Just found this one... I like it even better!

Image Hosted by

HeeHee! Now I'm really having fun.... You can upload your own picture... here I uploaded the FREEBIE Chalkboard I had for you guys last week. TOO STINKN' COOL!

Image Hosted by

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Translator Added

I want to apologize to all you folks from different countries. (there really are a lot of you that stop by!) I don't know why it has taken me so long to find out how to add the "Translate" widget! But, I finally did.

If you are interested in adding the widget to your site go HERE, it is a simple one click action... you don't even have to copy/paste... just click the "Add to Blogger" (if you use Blogger that is).

It will translate you blog page into over 50 different languages.  Click mine and see...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Free Puzzle Maker

Like I said... there isn't anything you want that you can't find on the internet!  I was reading another blog today and the person used a jigsaw puzzle to show a picture that she really can't show yet.  Very cute idea to give a "hint".  Well, I had a feeling I could find a software package on the web that would create a puzzle. 

I did indeed!

Not only does it let you load any picture, but it then gives you the code to put into your own blog (or whatever).  The picture below is an actual working puzzle!  You can drag the pieces around and when you get two connecting pieces together they actually snap together... just keep going until it is all put together.

If you are looking for a TRUE little time waster.... this site is for you!   Go ahead, put the puzzle together, just for kicks.  If you can't find a piece it might be underneath the little menu on the left.

OH!  And it times you so HURRY!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to Create Your Own Word Art ... the easy way.

I actually had a method to my madness today.  Welll....sorta.  Last week I discovered Stephanie Ackerman's art and I LOOOOOVE IT!  

Examples of her work:

I just LOVE the messy, easiness of it!  I love it so much that I bought both of her classes to learn how to doodle!!!  How sad is that?!  I have to be taught to just relax and do it!  Even though I am a VERY MESSY person, I am also a perfectionist so just "letting go" is HARD for me.  But her stuff is SO SIMPLE it should be SO SIMPLE to do, right?!  My brain struggles...but I CAN DO THIS!!! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!!!

But, in the meantime... there are a couple artists, Rani and Jilustration, at Lettering Delights that have the same "feel" and I have now bought almost everything they have available!  They have the same double black outline, primitive like drawing.  CUTE! CUTE stuff!  They can easily be printed out and modified with the shadowing and markings that Stephanie has.  FUN!

Example... The first is a font and a graphic directly from Lettering Delights.  I printed a copy of this then colored and added lines  to the one below
 Same thing, but with my added coloring and drawings...see, kinda has the same feel as Stephanie's.
Neato Alphabet for the words

Other options:
A font that has no color at all like: LDJ Happy Trails Font (then you can use any color you want)
OR, if you take Stephanie's class you get her empty font!!!!

The Girl Creative Under A Cherry

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 

He is not here; he has risen

just as he said.

-Matthew 28:5-6




Friday, April 22, 2011

This Week - GOOD FRIDAY!

THIS is Good Friday

                      ..............  for you


Thursday, April 21, 2011

EVEN MORE OFF at Lettering Delights!

OK, so if making almost everything $1 each is not enough, this week Lettering Delights is giving us $10 off a purchase of $25!!  A-MAZING!  the promo code is "EasterBasket".  So, doing the math, you can get around $100 (normally $4 each) worth of product for $25 (on sale for $1) less $10 = $15!!!  $100 down to $15!!  A-mazing!

I went shopping last night and before I knew it I had $56 worth in my cart! (thats at $1 each!)  soooo... gotta start over and buy twice :-) 

Click on the link just below the header of this page .^ ^ ^ ^ up there ^ ^ ^  

Here is something I threw together last night ... and I'm serious, I threw it together because I had to hurry and beat the midnight deadline for their contest... the prize is a Silhouette.  

Anyway, I thought it would be a cute gift-bag for a teacher. (I looked for a brown paper bag here in the house but didn't find it so I had to go with muslin)

I can not tell a lie, it is temporary, I printed it on label paper and just stuck it down to the fabric... I'm telling ya, I was in a hurry!

The little girl is from "Around the World"
The chalk board is "Chalk Talk" (no longer available...but, thankfully, I could still use it because they stored it for me.  If I had to do it from scratch I would build a chalk board and then use the "LD Chalk Font" with it... actually, I will build that chalk board and make it as a FREEBIE later tonight (I have a job being a "camera man" at a church tonight so I have to leave here in 5 minutes!

OK!  I'm back from church...

Here is your FREEBIE chalk board: (just right click on it then "save image as".

Here is an example of how to use it:

For those of you who are not old as me... schools use to use green chalk boards with white, or yellow, chalk.  They are probably all white boards now!  I use the "LD Chalk Font" for the text and just layered it over the board.  It is watermarked because I haven't paid for it yet...I want to shop some more before I buy it (and I will)... I just wanted to get this post finished.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This Week.... continues...

My Redeemer Lives


Today's Fabulous Finds: Easter Subway Art Prints

Today's Fabulous Finds: Easter Subway Art Prints

This post is has a two fold purpose...

One is to share this GREAT FREEBIE download! Run, don't walk to get it!

Two is to see how the "Blog This" Button works in the top right corner of my tool bar.

I am adding this line after seeing it published.
It created the title of the post and put the link on the top line...I added everything else

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This Week


I normally don't share too much about my beliefs on this blog... I have another blog "Life Lessons" where I share what God has done for me, and the things He is teaching me... but not This Week...

This Week ... is an incredibly IMPORTANT, SPECIAL week... and it has nothing to do with bunnies, chocolate or eggs.

This Week ...  represents the week my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, began the torturous path to the cross where he bled and die then rose again.

This Week ... is too important to just let this blog stay vanilla and not mention my love and hope in Jesus Christ.  I can't just let it go by without mention.

Jesus came into this world to save all of us from our sins and from a future without God, in Hell.... so, if you don't currently know that as a fact then,

This Week ... could be your last on the path to that horrible future.  Just pray to God that He will show you the truth, and HE WILL!

I love all of you.  Thanks for reading this far... and I pray that ...

THIS WEEK, you celebrate the TRUE meaning of Easter.

I have a FREEBIE .pdf file of a couple of Easter cards.

Click HERE to download
You will need to 

  1. download it, 
  2. print Page 1 
  3. reinsert that page into the printer so that you can 
  4. print Page 2 on the back.

Linked to:

Monday, April 18, 2011

I Made A Button .... FINALLY!!!

One of my goals yesterday was to create a "Button" for people to copy to link back to here. Well! Let me just tell ya, that was a whole lot easier said than done! I started by searching the web and found Amy on "Blogging With Amy".

VERY useful site! Everything you ever wanted to know about blogging, and then some!

It all seemed so simple, just copy her code and replace it with my own... NOT! I had to get my server support person involve just to find out what the path was for the place I stored the picture!

But, today, 24 hours later, I HAVE IT!!! Check it out, on the right column >>> ... somewhere... I'm getting too much over there!

I know, I know .... WHY??? What can I say, I'm preparing for my "BIG" future! :-) One day someone MIGHT want to link back here, I might start hosting blog hops, or something, ya just never know!

So, if you copy the code and paste it into your html, you get this! Hee! Hee!

Now I have to stick with the "look" of my site, I am using it EVERYWHERE!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Moon and My Camera

Last week I was describing to some friends a video on YouTube that someone made zooming in on the moon using the same camera I have ... They asked me if I had ever done the same thing and I told them no, I have too many trees around my house, I never even see the moon. Well tonight I was sitting at my PC and looked out my window and there it was!  THE MOON!  So I grabbed my camera and started taking way I could take a video, I kept losing the moon!  It is REALLY hard to stay on an object without a tripod I'm here to tell ya!  

Anyway, here you go....from this....

The camera does auto focus, all I do is aim, zoom (no lens change) and click.  It was having a hard time knowing what to focus on (ok, it was that, and I had a hard time holding it still!) but I wanted to show the steps of zooming... and, I like seeing it through the trees

Cool!  If you only knew how high up these pine needles are!  I LOVE THIS CAMERA!... just pretend I was trying to get the pine needles and not the moon :-)

Do you see "the man"?  I heard that term my whole life and never had a clue there really was a man!!!  See two eyes, a nose and a big open mouth? (he's at the top, looking up)... Go figure!

to this..... Check it out!  Do you see those craters!!!  AMAZING!

I show what camera I am using in the column to the right >>>> 

I leave that there because I ALWAYS want to know what camera a person is using!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Did You Notice the Change???

Hopefully, this will be the LAST look ... for a while anyway!!!  I could never find the exact "right" template "for me"... there are tons out there that I love, but they aren't "MINE".... until now.  This one is ALL MINE!  I did it myself ... and there is just a peace about it for me.   I found some "simple" (HA!) software ( to create it...and yes, it is super simple, if all you want to do is build a "Blogger" blog, but I wanted more.... 

You know all those business cards I made last week?  WELL, in order to have something to put on the card I decided that I needed to reactivate "My Father's".  That was a website I created 9 years ago but let die last year because it was out of date and I lost my FrontPage software to update it!  I mainly offered monogramming on the old site and I don't really do a lot of that anymore...there are SO MANY other things I want to sell now.

soooooooooooooooooo is now active again!  And it looks sorta like this blog, which was my goal this morning when I started all this....but believe me, either I'm doing something really wrong, or, Artisteer isn't all its cracked up to be!

Now, having said that, very little has been done to it so far on the new "store".  I have a LOT of work left to do, like making samples(!) but at least it is there.  There will be more on that later.

Another thing I tried doing today was starting a Wordpress Blog because I have heard several people say that's the way the world is going...but I have to tell you... I am NOT impressed!  Maybe, given more time, I'll get there but I'm still liking Blogger best.

OH! By the way... I can't explain the red and green combo... I have NEVER used those colors together, on purpose (except for Christmas, of course) but the combo just happened...and when it did I liked it... gotta love those complimentary color combinations, right?  (colors directly across from each other on the color wheel) I really do... Well heck, I need some pictures so let me show you some beautiful complimentary combinations :-)
Purple / Yellow

Red / Green

Blue / Orange

Well that came out of nowhere!

ANYWAY, I really just wanted to explain the latest change.  

Hope you guys have a great weekend!  Get out there and CREATE SOMETHING!