Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Today Was Mark's Birthday

I use to work for Mark.  He is the Minister of Music at a church here in Atlanta and today was his birthday.  I have actually stopped caring about such things but when I saw this on Pinterest ... pinned from here on the internet I knew I had to make one for him!

There are lots of folks in the choir and trust me, with lots of folks comes lots of complaints....sooooo today I went and bought a piece of wood, and made this one... my $3 version :-) :

It would have cost less but that is one BIG DADDY RAT trap!  It was $2!

OH!  I made the target button, that didn't come with the rat trap! And,  the trap is set but it is wired down so it doesn't break anyone's hand!  You can see the little green wire right under the M.  My loaf of bread is now tied in a knot... the sacrifices we make for our art....

I think I like their's better but I wasn't too sure how Mark would like it...he's not the "country" type.

Now see the fun ideas you miss if you aren't "pinning"?

PS.... I woke up at about 3:30 and I have been putzing around here and FINALLY FINALLY figured out how to show a list of the doodles I have so far with one click of the button!!!  YES!!!  

Please notice that I have added a tab at the top called "My Doodles", that is actually a link to my other blog "Polly-Wolly Doodle" but as the link I use this: www.polly-wollydoodle.blogspot.com/view/snapshot .   THAT shows you a snapshot of all pictures on the blog without having to scroll through every single post!!!  You remember, I mentioned that function a few blogs back.  I am leaving the other link in the right column because that shows when the last picture was added.

Go check it out... see how it works, and you will also see that I added a lot of posts from a DIFFERENT blog that I did last year...all those pictures were done using the mouse and PC to draw!

I know, I know, you probably couldn't care less about my doodles but I'm just proud I figured it out! Here in the middle of the night!  Actually, it is almost 6am now so not middle anymore!  

I'm off to try and sleep again!

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