Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I NEED Your Opinion!

I woke up this morning and decided to start making Christmas presents!  And I started with this sweatshirt.  I need your opinion... I wanted subtle, but is this too subtle?  Should I stick with the white, changed it to a gray that's a little darker, or go on and do black?  PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!  I'm leaving it on the hoop until I get some input...I can restitch as long as I don't move it too much.  OH! and I will be add a few crystals...gotta have that bling!

You can let me know in the comment section or on the poll to the right >>>
... (it didn't let me add a blank for "other" so please leave a comment if that is your answer)  Another reason I'm asking is to see how the Poll function works :-)

In case you are having a hard time making it out....

Lileth (link to free download) is the font...I've just decided I really love it....I've had it forever just never thought about using it for anything until I started quilling again .... that's what I was trying to copy when I made this.  Again, don't be too critical, it hasn't been glued down and forced into is just sitting on top of a piece of paper right now....until I figure out what to do with it.


  1. I like the subtlety. I would just ask, can you do wider lettering? Like a font in bold?

    Oh, and on the subject of re-using plastic bottles, I got an e-mail from my BFF in the UK, all about using a plastic bottle and lid as a way of sealing a plastic bag. This stuff is getting out there!

  2. Great! Thanks for the input! I could use a different font, but the only thing I could do to change this font is add an outline stitch. I just like the flowers on this particular font ...

    I actually have more ideas for the bottle that I need to post, I've just had a different focus lately. Did your friend see that here?

  3. Personally I would find it nicer if the lettering is a bit darker, but I couldn't tell you which colour. The letters are so beautiful that it shouldn't be such a strain to read them.... Great idea by the way :)

  4. I like it white, but that is just me. If I were to wear it, I would think the embroidery is great, just not sure if I personally would need it to be more attention in that area of my body KWIM? Lovely font too

  5. UN bordado tan bonito merece verse bien! quizas con un gris oscuro. Aunque habria que verlo a natural porque las fotos engañan mucho

  6. OK this is funny! 4 votes, two for white, two for darker!!! NOW you know why I'm having a hard time deciding! I wish I could just ask my friend but I'll have to disguise the question ???

    If you are getting this as an email, I have added the name and link to the font to the post. It is Lilith...but when I googled it there are a lot of "lilith" fonts out there! That's why I added the link when I found it.

  7. Ok, I'll break the tie...I think it needs to be just a little darker...I would feel self-conscious with people staring at my chest trying to read too-subtle lettering. I absolutely LOVE the font.


  8. Just so you know, the "lileth" link isn't working anymore.


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