Saturday, September 10, 2011

Today Was A PERFECT Day!

Last week I had a idea.  Several of us usually get together to "catch up" but it usually involves going to a restaurant or the movie... so, that's a guaranteed $10 minimum expenditure.  Well, I live about 10 miles from a lake so I mentioned everyone bringing a picnic lunch and finding a table at the lake.  I've actually never done that, even though it is so close so I had no idea where to go...until today.  A couple of us went in search of a spot and found it, right off the road, a huge picnic table and tons of shade.  PERFECT WEATHER today!  We didn't save any money because it was a "suddenly" decision and we ended up stopping at Firehouse Grill for a sandwich. (over $10 thank you very much!... SHOOT!)  But, now we know, where to go for the next time.

After we left there the other girl knew about an "event" they are having at Kennesaw Mountain (a national battlefield park ...also about 10 miles from my house)  The Kawanians are sponsoring a flag flying week to commemorate 9/11... a flag for each person that died that day.  


From Kennesaw Mountain Website (Field of Flags):

Join us as we commemorate the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2001 with our third Field of Flags installation. One of the largest commemorative events in the nation, a flag will be placed in Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park for each life lost on 9/11. The flags will fly Saturday, September 10th through Friday, September 16th.

The Marietta Kiwanians invite citizens to participate in the 
Field of Flags by sponsoring a commemorative flag. 
For $20, the sponsor will receive a flag measuring 3’x5’, 
along with a Certificate of Sponsorship. The funds 
collected from this event go to the Club’s Foundation, 
and will support scholarships and other community 
and youth services in the area.
At the conclusion of the Field of Flags installation, 
sponsored flags will be available for pick up.

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