Friday, December 23, 2011

Scripture Tool

First, I want to apologize for being SO LAZY about blogging lately!  No good excuses, just getting orders filled and just flat LAZY!!

OH! and I actually read a book last week!  I really don't love reading so that was huge.  But, it was a God thing.  It was a book called "Jesus and Company" by Don Tipton.  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G book!  I have actually had it for around 3 years, 2 feet from where I am sitting right now...I just never read it. Last week someone requested it from me on (I've mentioned this site before, if you like any kind of book, hardback or paperback, you definitely want to check it out...I don't buy new books anymore, this is much cheaper)...Anyway, anyway, I figure if someone wants a book then there must be a reason, I might need to see what it says before it leaves the house.  WELL, that was God!  It was EXACTLY what I have been in need of for months now.  It is story after story of how God has done miracles of provision for Don and his ministry, "Friend Ships".  Years ago he got saved and believed almost immediately that the Lord wanted him to feed the homeless and starving all over the world, so he and his wife sold everything, cleared all his debt, and jumped in full force....with a total of $38 in the bank!  People have been GIVING him SHIPS and food and other critical needs since they started in the 80s! Incredible stories!!

Let's put it this way, I want to give a copy to everyone I know now.  As I mailed off the copy that had been requested, I logged on and ordered another copy, and I'll do that until all my friends have a copy.  I wish I could afford to give all you guys a copy!

BTW, I actually got the book from Don himself.  Do you remember the hurricane that hit Galveston several years back?  I went there with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team and "Friend Ships" was there doing what they do, feeding the homeless and needy.  Some of our team actually stayed on the ship Don had there, while the rest of us stayed in Sunday School rooms at a local church.  My group took a tour of the ship and he gave us a copy of his book.

All that to say, PLEASE read the book, I promise, you won't be sorry. I didn't want to put it down after the first page!

OK then, didn't plan to say all that!  I really wanted to let you know about something I just discovered this morning.  I don't know how many of you, if any, ever make a reference to a scripture in the Bible on your blogs.  I try to keep that to a minimum on this blog but it is hard since HE is my life and on my mind 24/7... so I have other blogs that I use to get those thoughts down.  But, just in case....  there is a FREE TOOL available that lets you make a reference to a scripture in your text and it will provide a popup of the text of the scripture when the reader mouses over it like this: John 3:16
All you have to do is copy some lines of code into your blog template one time and it will work on any post.  VERY COOL!

That's it, just wanted to share that.  I promise, I will get back to normal soon.

Prayers for a VERY BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!!  And please, remember Jesus.

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