Thursday, August 30, 2012

Yes, I do call this a vacation!


The last couple of weeks I have made little short trips to visit friends that have moved away.  I love it!  Little mini-vacations!  Its great to be able to see and do things I've never done before.  I'm pretty sure that most of my followers won't care a thing about these pictures but I wanted to share them with the people who know and love the friends I visited.


Last week I went with a friend (Linda) to see her sister (Margaret), my other friend in Alabama, who just moved there to live with her son.  

Margaret's new home, with her beloved porch and rocking chairs... she sits and watches the butterflies fly up and down the street.

While there we went to Cheha State Park...on top of a mountain with INCREDIBLE views!  Now that I see these pictures here, I promise they don't do it justice!  

 Views from inside the restaurant:

Sitting on the outside deck, waiting for the restaurant to open...

OK, leave there and move on to this week...



This week, (yesterday) a friend (Nancy G.) and I went to see Patty on her farm in Jasper, Ga.

 to help her get some applesauce a real cannery that her county provides for people in the county!  I've never been to a cannery so it was so much fun to see one in action!

Last night we cut up and cored 2.5 bushels of apples, ... that is a LOT of apples! I hate that I didn't get a picture of that process!  We were up to our noses in apple cores and apple juice and jars (which all had to be washed and dried)!  It was a lot of work but it was fun because we were able to visit and shared work is always so much easier than doing it alone.

This morning we got up with the chickens (literally!) before daybreak so that we could be first in line at the cannery. 

Below, see the guy in the blue shirt, that's John.  He runs the whole place, running from one machine to another getting people's stuff done....Happy little guy even though he has a tough job working in a building with NO AC!!!

Our apples in the steamer:
 While the apples cooked we had to temper our jars by rolling them around in HOT water!

Ever smiling, John would come by and make sure we were ok and offer advise about how to do things "the right way" ... I think he had just told ANOTHER little white lie here! ....

Here is the apple juice draining while the apples cooked.  John would pour the juice back in with the apples during the process but once the apples were cooked we put the juice in jars to bring home.

Here they are cooked...not much difference in the first picture but they are cooked here...

the thing next to the cooker is what John puts the cooked apples into to make CREAMY applesauce....

Patty hamming it up for the camera while we waited for John to come start loading the applesauce machine

 John scooping the apples into the sauce maker:


Then the jar filling begins (we did that)

After the sauce and juice is in the jars John takes it to this big thing to boil for 30 minutes... it will help the applesauce stay good for at least 2 years!

While the jars are "cooking" we go to lunch and when we get back everything is ready to put in the truck and go home!

Now, a few other things that other people were canning while we were there: 
One lady was doing different kinds of beans....

Here John is sealing up cans of tomato juice for a man...

And then there was a family getting ready for winter by making and jarring vegetable soup!


I really wanted some of that soup!

This is just a table of equipment (ladles, strainers, spoons and such).  It really is an amazing set up!  Everything you need is there all you bring is the product .... and the jars.  They have the cans there.  

Would you believe that after all the work John did on our stuff we only had to pay 35cents for pints and 69cents for quarts?!  The only problem with the whole process is that you have to live in that county! So you and I can't go without Patty :-(

Some people go to DisneyWorld for a good time, not me, I go to a cannery!  It really did fascinate me ...  I guess I'm much more of a city girl than I ever knew!  

Can you imagine, eating food that you know EXACTLY what did and didn't go into it!?  Our applesauce and apple juice is 100% golden delicious apples, with ZERO anything else added!  Gotta love that!

I was thinking everyone needs access to a cannery! Then I thought, heck, if there is one down my street I wouldn't know about it because I wouldn't think to look.... so, I just googled "Local Cannery locations" and got this site:
check it out!

OH!  and I may as well go ahead and add one more NON-Blog related photo while I'm at it!

My family all live in Louisiana.  This is in my brother's front yard in Baton Rouge.  It is a 12 foot cross with a 6 foot Jesus on it that he carved about 10 years ago.  (No, he isn't Catholic, it is just something he wanted to do.)  I got this picture from Terri, Lin's wife, after hurricane Issac hit.  Her caption was "Jesus hasn't been touched".... even though he is surrounded by huge fallen oak tree branches that covered the yard!


  1. Wonderful pictures! Wish you were in some of them. I certainly enjoyed and always enjoy being with you. Looks like you and Nancy had a lot of fun and that you did a lot of work. Thanks for posting the pictures. You amaze me with all you do!

  2. Hey Anonymous! THANKS so much for stopping by and commenting too!!! There is a reason I'm the one always behind the camera in my pictures :-) My whole life it has looked like my camera went on vacations without me. I am pretty amazed myself at all the opportunities I get to do different things....I just never know what's waiting around the corner :-)

    Thanks again, and next time I want a name! :-)

  3. Wow! A cannery for residents of the county to use for their personnel needs...that is such a great idea. Wish there was one of those where I live. Bet that applesauce is delish!

  4. Hey Magpie Polly!

    I KNOW!!! I was thinking everyone needs access to a cannery! Then I thought, heck, if there is one down my street I wouldn't know about it because I wouldn't think to look.... so, I just googled "Local Cannery locations" and got this site:
    check it out!


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