Thursday, September 13, 2012

Today I Went Back To the Library!


I have been on the look out for a book "The Harbinger" for a few weeks and I don't want to pay for it!  So, today I decided that I would check out the library again (after AT LEAST 20 years!).  They didn't have it, BUT, they DID have the DVD for "Miss Potter"...another something that I have been wanting to see but wasn't willing to pay for.  Did you guys know that libraries have movies now?!!!  And you can check them out just like a book FOR FREE!... and you have a whole week to watch them!  I got two movies, "Miss Potter" (about Beatrice Potter) and "The Notebook"  OH MY GOSH!  I didn't remember it being so sad!!!  I SOBBED!...(snot and all!)  

I HIGHLY recommend both movies.

Another shocking thing is that they let you check out up to FIFTY books at a time!!! WHAT?!  This world, it is a changing.  I got a "How to" Calligraphy book, and two other craft books along with several novels.  ... I can have those for 3 weeks, and if I'm not done I can continue to renew the check out at least two more times!

Long story short, check out your local library, you may be pleasantly surprised!

1 comment:

  1. yep! check out this website about the library. I love it.


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