Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to Makeover a $1.99 IKEA Clock

I bought it several months ago with the intention of replacing the face.  I finally did something this weekend.

This weekend I also "doodled" a prototype collage and decided to do the same to my clock.

1 - Take clock face cover off.
2 - Spread Yellow Pan Pastel over the entire face.
3 - Cut the flowers out of the patterned cardstock
4 - Added black and white checks to several flowers
5 -  Drew and cut girl
6 - Glued some flowers and the girl directly to the face...on top of the numbers... hummm....potential problem, but, its for me, and I know where the numbers are :-)
7 - Glued some flowers to the inside of the cover to add a 3-D effect
8 - Glued a couple flowers to the OUTSIDE of the clock for even more 3-D
9 - Put cover back on
10 DONE!


  1. Oh! Lovely sense of depth with the 3D work. Very nice. And another reason to wish I wasn't thousands of miles from an Ikea.

  2. I thank you!

    I probably live about 15 miles from one but I think if I decide to get more I'll order online. The above picture is a "print screen" from their online store. AND, you probably wouldn't have to pay taxes if there isn't one where you are. OR, just go to WalMart, they have them for $5 or $6.

    The beauty of it all is that if I get tired of it, I can start all over with another something. I have purchased lots of other, more expensive clocks but I especially like this one because there are no screws to deal just pops in!


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