Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to Recycle a Plastic Bottle (Part 3)

This time I made bangle bracelets from "rings" cut from the middle of the Dr Pepper bottle.  

SIMPLE! SIMPLE! QUICK! QUICK!  Have a set of bracelets to match any and every outfit for just pennies!!

  • plastic bottle
  • string of cheap "pearls" found at any craft/fabric store
  • Embroidery thread (I used the thick, 1 strand crewel thread)
  • scissors
  • tape 
1. Cut a thin strip...about 3/8" from the middle of the bottle (around the bottle, not up and down, take advantage of the curve)  The first few I made I cut the strips straight from the bottle, (after cutting the top off, of course) I had a whole ring, not requiring tape,  but keeping the cut straight was a challenge.  I then decided to cut the top off, cut straight down the length of the bottle and then cut the bottom off.  This gives you a "sheet" (that curls) that can be cut with a good paper cutter.

2. If you chose to cut strips and not ring then tape the ends together... (meet the ends together on the tape, then wrap around a couple of times)... this would be the time you could make it smaller if it is for a child.

3. Tie thread around the ring. ... do it away from the tape, that way you have the added strength of the string of pearls and it won't pull apart later.

4. Lay pearls onto ring and wrap thread around each pearl... I wrapped one time all the way around, then wrapped again going in the opposite direction.  I made a total of 4 wraps around.

4. Tie off end of thread... you can thread the thread in a needle and run it underneath the wrapped thread.

If you are like me, and you are not a huge lover of the cheap white pearls you can do a couple of things... buy brass pull chain, or a strand of rhinestones, or color your white pearls with a copic (type) pen.  The last option allows for ANY COLOR!

OH!  I made the tan and green bracelet from colored pearls and a thread pulled from a piece of burlap I had. (instant jute thread)


  1. this is a brilliant idea! I LOVE it! :)

  2. Hey, I've recycled my plastic bottle and I've put a link on my blog to yours. Thank you for the inspiration You can see my (unfinished) project on my new blog here

  3. Hey Rhissanna, I forgot to say I can't wait to see the finished tassels! Beautiful beginning!

  4. Great Idea ,thank you so much

  5. ૐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒツ♥ღI LOVE it Thanks SO Much for the tips!

  6. Very clever! Going to share with Blue Velvet Chair readers on FB.

  7. I am definitely going to try this - thanks!

  8. Cool DCorrado! I promise you won't find a much cheaper craft! BEWARE though, you'll find yourself having a hard time throwing bottles away!

  9. Great idea. Your bracelets look fabulous. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Aw... THANKS Theresa! I had a lot of Dr Pepper bottles there for a while and iI just really needed to come up with ideas to use them up... this one was actually my favorite because I thought it would be a great "mother/daughter" project... GREAT, CHEAP gifts!

      Thanks for stopping in and commenting! N.

  10. This will be perfect for my daycare girls. AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing. Found you via Suzy at Totally Green Crafts

  11. Hi Julie and Lisette! Thanks so much for letting me know you stopped by! Glad you like.

    And Julie, thanks so much for letting me know how you found me, I would have never known about the post... very nice :-)

  12. OH! And I hope you guys take the time to see parts 1 and 2! And I think there was another after this one as well...It has been a while :-)

  13. Amazing! How did you think of this!?

  14. Thanks for linking these uo to The cSI Project. I shared on the FB page. So pretty and so creative!!!

  15. These are sooo pretty! What a great idea~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  16. Your bracelets are adorable- great idea!

  17. Que fácil!!
    Y que bonitas quedan :)

  18. It might be cool to try and spiral cut the bottle so you have a super long wrap around bangle.

  19. @ Victoria LOVE that idea! Certainly worth a try!

  20. C'est une belle idée Merci pour le partage

  21. Super Idea !! The bracelets look awesome...I am surely gonna try these..

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  24. wonderful creative!

  25. thankyou soo much i will create my own kind for my kids ag day

  26. i liked the colored beeds at the end

  27. I would think regular water bottles would also work, along with diet shake bottles (smaller, kid-wrist friendly sizes).


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