One of my favorite blogs is Elvie Studio... (Lori Vliegen) I LOVE that blog! Be sure to check her site out. I have been going there for a year probably. I think I love it because she focuses on just a few things ... lettering, a watercolor something, handmade journals or carved rubber stamps. FOCUSED. Another thing I LOVE is that she takes BEAUTIFUL pictures of her work and she includes a cool pair of reading glasses in almost every single picture. I know, kinda weird that I love that but it just makes for such a classy photo. Notice that all the things I love are NOT what I do, EVER?! Well, when I grow up I want to be just like Lori.
Now, I really hate to admit this "out loud" but the name of her blog has always baffled me. Why Elvie Studio, when her name is Lori ???? Well it suddenly hit me the other day... El (L) Vie (V) are her initials!!! HELLOOOOO! Isn't that just so clever?!
So, naturally, because I want to be like Lori I started thinking about my initials.... NB I could spell it "InBee" but that really makes no I added my middle initial NEB (Any Bee) YES! So, my next blog (???) is going to be "Not Just Any Bee" and here is my the beginnings of my logo!
HA! Now I'm clever too! Hee Hee.
Anyway, now you will know why this picture will start showing up... cause.... you know, I'm "Not Just Any Bee"!